Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today I checked someone for a concussion who fell on the ice outside the Main Building. Almost having garnered one for myself several times today, I was just glad it wasn't me.

So today was my day to arrange the gallery opening for the Mt. Washington exhibit. I arranged for the food, Washed the table cloths, Gathered my followers, et cetra. So when I showed up (late as usual) to the Gallery opening I was running and the food wasn't there, I panicked. I walked all the way across campus to Student Services, the head of which was supposed to be getting my food. Nobody's home there. While I was panicking and calling people, the food was dropped off in my absence and set up by my friends. The whole thing went off without a hitch, and during the Opening that I ran, I did absolutely nothing. Well, I cleaned up.

Then I showed up ten minutes late to my first class because I was cleaning up from the opening, and pitched my idea for my Painting 5 Diptych. My idea is to do the underside of a Jade plant, as if we were standing on the table looking up at a window through the Jade plant, like it was a tree. I only have baby Jades, but they'll do. My teacher has jade plants of his very own, so he identified with it immediately. I am also one of two people not doing a portrait or a figure in this class. Simple wins, I swear. I am doing a contrast of day and night on the same picture, since we had to use the same image twice.

Then I ran all over god's creation hanging up posters for the show that's coming up next month. I made them, had them approved, but seriously must I hang them myself? There's a gallery Committee, not just me. It took about an hour and a half, and I climbed enough stairs to make my gluts hurt, and was awkwardly stared at by a thousand freshmen as time after time I magically appeared in their common areas toting highlighted pieces of paper. This experience taught me two things:

1. My all access RA Key does not get me into two of the school's buildings, one of which is a dorm. In case of an emergency I am supposed to be able to get into all buildings at all times.
2. My boyfriend resents his niceness. He drove a girl to the pharmacy to get her meds today, and the wait was very long. When he dropped her off I happened to be hanging posters in her dorm. So he waited for me, and then on the way home, complained about her incessant chatter while they were waiting for the meds.

That was all for today.

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