Monday, January 18, 2010

Day One

Hello No-one. I am playing with the colors on this blog instead of doing my Waterbased Media homework.

It started because I am taking a Storytelling class, and I need to keep a journal for it. Nothing deep and touching, just about ideas and class experiences. SO I was thinking, thousands of other people have blogs and blog about their dumb ideas, why not me? I have thoughts. Right now the foremost thought of mine is that the girls I RA for are being very loud for after quiet hours.

I was thinking about stories and about how we really become our own beings when we start having stories of our own, and stop being our mother's stories. We've all heard those stories from our mothers; mine's about how my amniotic fluid DESTROYED an Obstetrician's pair of new shoes, because I was two weeks late and thus my amniotic fluid was incredibly gross and rife with unpleasantness.

That is one of my favorite stories. Who am I to tell it though? I wasn't there, I was, but I wasn't. I don't remember it at all, I wasn't technically even born yet, so it isn't really MY story to tell, no matter how grand an entrance I made. So I believe that the day we stop being infants and babies that live only in their mothers' tales, indeed the day we start being people is when we begin having our own stories to tell.

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