I opted for a perlite-pebble-cactus soil mix. very quick draining and all my other succulents were doing very well in it.
After planting I gave them each about a teaspoon full of water because I couldn't resist and haven't watered them since. That was in October.
Some have started to get new leaves, but some haven't even begun to divide; it's my guess that growing conditions are less than ideal for them but they will go through the season and maybe get leaves next year.
I have successive pics for next post of how they've grown (or haven't) so far.
As they grow it's very interesting to ignore them for a week and look back at them in shock and awe- new leaves or new colors. Since they require so little care I sometimes forget that they will grow during this time of the year.
This plant is amazing, I've never seen anything like it! Will it always look like this?