Saturday, August 8, 2015


found out this is a thing

A Tichel (yiddish for scarf) is a head covering worn by jewish married women who keep their hair under wraps for modesty's sake. Most of what I've read seems to point to the fact that being modest helps people not be distracted by all your boobs hanging out and all your skin showing so they can look at your face and understand what you are saying. These tichels and turbans can get incredibly intricate and are made with many textures of scarves, often wrapped over a shaper and/or headband to keep errant hairs tucked away, prevent slippage, and add the illusion of more hair, or a large full bun under the scarves. Looking at some of the intricate styles, I can understand how a foundation would be helpful to keep your neck upright lol.

relatively simple tichel, they get crazy 

So bottom line- I've always been fascinated by hair wrapping and scarves in general- on my neck, on my head, as a belt I love scarves, so this was a great find for me. I normally bog out on tutorials- I get tired of seeing the same one over and over again, heres how to wrap a scarf into a curlicue in the middle of your forehead, or slightly to the left! It doesn't thrill me. This community makes me feel impressed- nothing against other scarf tutorials out there, but most of those are about protecting your hair from manipulation damage, and the tichel is for hiding hair away because it is an intimate part of you. So it is definitely a different kind of scarf tying, you won't find your ancient Aunt Jemima bandanna, your peppy signature 50's Marilyn square scarf with bow, your modern 'rose' or low bun style in this community. Instead most scarf styles start out smooth on top, and are made by wrapping and layering textures and colors while tucking in ends, or leaving them out like pony tails. I've also been checking out their blog and watching some cool turban tutorials. It just makes sense as I'm getting into playing around with color on my face, I'd want to take away the distraction of my hair as well once in a while. My only caveat is that I am not Jewish, and while google seems to say no one will mind, I'm not sure If i can get around the under garment gear that poofs these up so nicely- thats the only thing the lovely youtube tutorials for quick updos have on the tichel- nothing underneath required but your own hairs. 

I cant wait to have a bad hair day :)

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