Sunday, November 21, 2010

death of a houseplant

First things first.
Phrase of the week:

"You've got to paint in [her] muffin top. Otherwise you'll never figure out where the hips actually go."

magical creatures have muffin tops too.

I have murdered my first plant this week. It could have been caused by a mistake I made as much as a month ago, and I'm not sure if I'll ever really know what caused it.

My split rock plant, although somewhat softer in the last few weeks, showed no signs of rotting away into a pile of oozing gelatinous goo thinly contained in the husk of its former glory. I came to consciousness this morning to observe that there was a garbage like odor floating around my room- and when I looked to water my plants, I found that my darling little split rock was literally a pile of goo. Overnight. Probably not overnight-but what felt like overnight.

I imagine it was over watering that started the process, and I spent a good few minutes examining it to see if it could be saved but alas- no dice.

I have hacked away all the soupy bits and it has one tiny leaf left that will most likely die. The new leaves grow using the moisture of the now non existent parent leaves. Where will the baby leaf get its moisture from now that basically the whole plant is gone? I'm not really sure.

The split rock plant has turned from a lovingly cultivated prodigy to a grand experiment in paring away large sections of gangrenous tissue and seeing if the resulting plant can pull its shit back together and continue growing.

All the other plants are doing great. The aloes have turned green again although I was worried because they were quite brown for a while-just means they were over watered a bit. The oxalis are all dying off for a while, the bulbs will sprout new giant clovers after a few weeks-months of being dormant.

I found more Taylor Mali poems online and fell in love again. It's like when people read to you and you become entranced- can't help but love the tones and personality.

Reminds me of my teacher Sebastian Lockwood.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Train of thought

*opens door*
My room is really warm...

I should open a window.

My whole room smells like soy sauce.

I should definitely open a window.

I had Chinese food twice this week for the first time since the summer.

I'm now hungry, maybe cereal, I did just buy cereal. I'll have to go all the way downstairs though...

These apples might go bad if I don't start noshing on them...*eats an apple*

Still hungry. TO THE DOWNSTAIRS!


*opens door*

My room is really warm...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Peewee Herman would have been proud to call the emcee of Cabaret his homeboy, squeaky voice and all.

The girls? so beautiful. The orchestra? beautiful. the second act all about people dying/ being brainwashed as Nazism took over Germany was not as much fun as the free-wheelin upskirt shots of the first act, which I much enjoyed.

lots of thigh-highs and crotch shots and guys cross dressing as dolls- and singing in the musical numbers priceless.

Also got mah winter stuff to dig through, so I'm gonna go back to trying on various types of hats.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Dance rocked.

At the school dance I was a flight attendant. My friend Becca was Rosie the riveter, Emily was Miss Piggy and Jim was a pumpkin. My boss Shane was an uber geek. There were other assorted characters, a vampire and his fangirl, Scar and Mufasa, angels both good and evil, a totem pole (two guys one sitting on the other's shoulders SO cool!) a giant baby and as per usual some trollop in her underwear and barely that.

Our friends Kara and Ryan went as a sandwich.

I am now the proud owner of many photos including:

A Rosie the Riveter sandwich, a pumpkin sandwich (and later a Jim and Bridget sandwich), a Geek sandwich, a flight attendant sandwich, a "the whole crowd at the costume contest" sandwich and my favorite, a Miss Piggy sandwich otherwise known as a BLT.

I did the time warp in heels for the second time this year, got groovy to Love Shack and danced it UP to Safety Dance. I shook it up, down left, right and in all kinds of jiggly directions. Splendid evening.