Saturday, October 23, 2010

Time spent away from the blog

So far October has passed. Oh So much has happened, oh so little of it important.

I slept on a floor last night, in a cozy little pallet of blankets but on the floor none the less.

It all started when I got home after being kicked out of my studio yesterday because of the power outages. The power was on, but we had to leave nonetheless "in case". Boyfriend left me for Worcester decimating all good plans for the entire weekend, not to mention grocery shopping. Boyfriend's fault? I don't think so really, am I angry at the world for fucking with my plans and expectations of a fun relaxing weekend? Most definitely. More like "Back to Work".

As a VIP/ Upper Classman, I assisted with the organization of the Evacuation and was the last person out because people were unreachable and kept showing up late. At that time it hit me, I was one of four people without friends to stay with away from the dorms. Which made me think, WOW I need to get some friends. But more importantly, I DO NOT WANT TO SLEEP ON A FLOOR WITH STRANGERS when I should be having hot sex with Boyfriend.

As it turns out, I ended up having some friends who let me crash on their floor instead of the permanently lit common area floor of a rather loud and crowded neighboring dorm. I took the first shower in three days today- no soap available.

This morning the sun came up, we rose with it, I'm starving but at least not overly sleep deprived. I am allowed back in my dorm to try and scavenge some good out of this situation. Our party got canceled until further notice; basically the fun got sucked out of the weekend and now.....I need to go balance out some homework I guess.

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