Monday, March 15, 2010

vacation from hell.

Just got back from Florida. Sunny Florida. And what was possible the worst, least relaxing vacation I have ever had the opportunity to endure.

Had my boyfriend woken up with me each day and gone somewhere, we reflected later in hindsight, it would not have been as bad as waiting until three for the family we were with to NOT decide where we were going, pile in the car for anywhere between one to three hours of perilous driving on Orlando's many scenic highways, to end up at a begrudgingly decided location. Once we were at said location, be it Epcot, a restaurant, the host family's mom gladly paid for our tickets and meals (much obliged host family.) The host family's children were whiny and mopey and didn't want to do anything. (They were also adults who are perfectly capable of having their asses left behind if they were not cooperative enough, but that didn't happen. not once.)

WE drag the host family's children around for maybe three to five hours maximum before we leave the place that we paid good money to go to. WE go back to the hotel. We then decide to go out for dinner, because it is now about eight o'clock. AN hour discussion ensues in which we cannot decide where to go to dinner. They don't want to go where I want to go, but they don't know where they want to go or have no opinion whatsoever but glare at my suggestions. We get in the van with no destination as before.

WE find a restaurant and return home not totally satisfied. Boyfriend and host son drag me to the pool until 11 p.m. Then I returned burned out from the stress of the day to want to sleep, but instead stay awake talking or watching them play computer games until about an hour and a half after my desired bedtime and way after my patience has ran out. The next morning I rise at around ten, and wait for everyone else to get up for three to five hours. It is vacation hell. I am glad t obe coming home. Bonus points on Friday for having the other host son get bombed on stolen alcohol and rest his giant ass under-aged body on the foot of my bed refusing to leave for an hour or so, at three a.m. AND the scene where Boyfriend and Host Son went out for pizza at 1:30 without waking me up, only to return at three and have a loud conversation waking me up. They then proceeded to sleep like babies the rest of the night while I remained awake boiling with fury and not being able to fall back asleep until the not so wee hours.

On coming home: Waited on United Airways planes for 14 hours on Saturday. Trust me, even if it's more money, don't fly with them.


the day before we left Manch, I was walking through the park; the snow had melted. I fund a totally new barely used pot of tan DCT lip balm, the kind I had lost the previous week of my illness. I am sure it was mine, but I put it on a bench anyway.

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