Saturday, March 20, 2010

nothin new going on

I had a dream that I was being attacked by wasps that looked like butterflies.

Well, they looked like butterflies to everyone else. To me they looked like wasps. Big ones that stung me. Curiously, the stings didn't really sting; it was more like a sharp, then slow burn. but no one seemed upset about them. They were only stinging me, but in this weird...They'd drift over to me, sit all delicately and daintily on my hands, and I'd look at them going, wow you're new and majestic! Its response to that silent private thought each time was to sting my hands on the fingertips or the skin by my thumb.

Oddly enough, Brennen had a dream about bees on vacation the night I couldn't sleep because Boyfriend and Bren woke me up talking about Sea World. He was murmuring and grunting and rolling over frantically for a good amount of time. He was dreaming about bees he said the next day. Boyfriend dreamed about bees too, just before we left for vacation.

I being the curious mofo I am went to the nets to find out what dreaming about bees means, because I haven't been able to get the dream out of my head. I got this:

"To dream of being stung by a wasp may be evidence of painful emotions or being stung by the remarks of others. If you are not stung, it is a sign of victory over your troubles."

"Being stung, such as by an insect, can represent a feeling or fear of being attacked or acted on in a negative way in real life—physically, mentally, or emotionally;Being overburdened by external circumstances; Betrayal, intrusion, or someone crossing your personal boundaries or taking advantage of you"

"This insect is capable of stinging and hurting you, it may denote, when seen in dreams, something or someone that can bring you misfortune and bad luck. If the wasp in your dream manages to sting you, this means that you have faced or are going to face obstacles and problems in your waking life."

"To see a wasp in you dream, signifies angry thoughts and feelings. To dream that you are stung by a wasp, symbolizes growing envy and hatred towards you."

Pretty negative feedback from the nets, right? OK so being stung by a wasp has to do with being overwhelmed and misfortune either occurring or coming soon. Also envy, and hatred. other angry emotions. Now, let us investigate the fact that everyone else in the dream, including Boyfriend, saw the wasps as butterflies. They were all going on about how delicate and pretty they were. They didn't feel threatened by them at all, and they didn't get stung (none of them even landed on the other people). what about butterflies? what do they mean?

"The bigger and more beautiful the butterfly, the more of an impression you will make on society, or at a special function that you must attend. Use the other symbols in your dream to get you on the right track." (also a blurb about the need to settle down and stop flitting from person to person. Which I don't do...and neither does Boyfriend.)

"butterflies traditionally denote a change either occurring or coming soon. they are sometimes considered to be a sign of changes outside of your control due to their affiliation with both chaos and death."

"To see a butterfly in your dream, denotes your need to settle down. Butterflies signify creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be experiencing a transformation into a new way of thinking. Or you may be undergoing a transitional phase. Alternatively, consider the term "social butterfly" to describe someone who is popular and outgoing. Does this describe you? Perhaps you need to be more outgoing."

This is interesting, because the only correlation I can see here is that change is coming and it's in the form of a huge and rocky precipice for me, while others see it as a good thing. Which is scary. Perhaps in the dream they saw the greatness and the impression on society, the positive, and I saw the jealousy, envy and darkness, and was therefore stung. Very appropriate considering how I spent most of my vacation wallowing in misery, and have since forgotten two meetings with teachers. Being Lazy makes life overwhelming and I have felt very overwhelmed lately. Still the wasp sting/ butterfly correlation is odd. I also remember not saying anything about being stung because no one else seemed to notice. Then I woke up.

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