Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soul satisfying

There is nothing so sinfully soul satisfying as seeing someone you are angry with look fat and short in a dress on a website that all your friends can also see. And after that little gem? Oreos dipped in milk. Yes, the snow may be snowing and the wind may be blowing but my heart is warm with empty trans-fats and malicious intent.

I feel that I should relax now, I should meditate. I need to decide who to tell a story about for my final in storytelling. It would be wonderful to tell with an accent of some sort. Maybe Mary Baker Eddy, because I know a little bit about her. I think it would be fun to do my friend Corina's mom, because Corina's her daughter and she's amazing. As an adult only twenty or so years older than me, she has accomplished so much and stayed so young in all the right ways. Her mother is a fiber artist, who engineers artworks like quilts; except to call them quilts is an insult to what they are and how much artistic work other than the actual stitching really goes into them.

I need to find an artist, or someone wonderful and tell about them. they need to be interesting, and they need to inspire me. It would be wonderful to tell about my grandparents lives or their parents.

Well the oreos are almost all gone, so it's time to go lay down a self portrait.

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